Wednesday, March 19, 2014

WWWD? (What Would Wednesday Do?)

So you all are probably wondering... "What Would Wednesday Do?" That makes no sense and too be honest, it didn't to me at first either until I really started to ponder it.

Wednesdays are the one day of the week that gives you that glimmer of hope. "Thank God it's not Monday..." "At least it's the middle of the week..." "At least tomorrow is Thursday that's one day closer to Friday." At least these are the thoughts that cross my mind when wednesday rolls around on the agenda.

So I've decided: On wednesdays here on my blog, I'm going to start something called, "What Would Wednesday Do?" By Wednesday your week has usually presented itself. It's either been decent so far, fantastic, or a NYC train barreling down the tracks towards it's stop and doesn't think to hit the brakes until it's reached it. That stop would be the weekend.

A lot of us start to ponder our weeks by Wednesday. What's gone well, what's gone not so well? What can I do to make the rest of this awful week go a little faster? So... the question remains. What Would Wednesday Do? What would YOU do on a Wednesday to help yourself get over the hump of the week, and into the home stretch? How can YOU turn your week around to make it a much more positive one?

For my first "What Would Wednesday Do" I present you with this. My week. So far it's been a normal week in the life of Leah. I wake up at various times in the 6 o'clock hour. Allow the shower to fill with water because I can't bare to stand up in the shower that early in the morning so I create a shower/bath which must to my brothers dismay tends to waste our hot water. (Sorry Mikey)

I sort through the pile of yesterdays clean clothes that I opted against wearing to see if maybe today it might look a little better then it did yesterday, it usually doesn't. I just end up with an even worse of a natural disaster on my floor then the day before. I eat my daily granola bar and pack my little snack bag of goldfish to head out the door in hopes of getting on the road before the morning rush hits. I usually don't do this well either.

The days are what vary. Yes I attend the same school everyday, the same classes, make the same morning commute and commute home but whats different is how each week presents itself. It has different up ands different downs. This week I have been faced with what seems like more downs. So again I ask myself, "What Would Wednesday Do?" How can we turn the downfalls of the early week around to make the trip over the hump a positive one?

This week; Wednesday would take a step back this week. Wednesday would appreciate all that it has to be thankful for. Wednesday would remember to breathe.

 Wednesday Would: Be thankful for the friends who have presented themselves in her life and when even presented with hard times and things have come between them, they remember that the power of friendship and the love in our hearts that we will always have for one another stands greater.

Wednesday Would: Be thankful for the many other friends that hold a special place in her heart and carry her through her week on their backs to make sure that she gets through. 
 Wednesday Would: Be thankful for a job where she is surrounded by the most wonderful co-workers and the most amazing atmosphere to ever work in.

Wednesday Would: Be thankful for the AMAZING family that she was blessed with because she is truly blessed beyond measure to have the family that she has. 

In your week, and on your Wednesday: Think of the things in your life the present something POSITIVE! It's not always the big positive things that can change your day. Sometimes it's the small things that are there to remind you that even though things seem to not be going your way, there is always something beautiful in the midst of a storm. 

This is What Wednesday Would Do THIS week! 

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